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Timeless Content Marketing Strategies That Lead To Huge (& Consistent) Pay Days


quotescover-jpg-53See if you can fill in the blank. =)

Content is to marketing what __________ is to marriage.  


Content is to marketing what sex is to marriage.  (P.S.) This is a perfect tweetable, so please… share, share, share.


For the record, I am AS  surprised by how many marriages delay, put off, ignore, and deny the sex factor as I am how many businesses put off, delay, ignore and deny the content factor.

Make no mistake: the end result is the same.   If you are okay with  your marriage being sexless, mark my words….  it will cease to be a marriage… eventually.   In the same way, if you think you can market effectively without content, your business will eventually cease to bring in new business.

Bottom line, if you are NOT strategically creating content for your market to consume — regularly — you are MISSING OUT on clients, customers, media, leads and opportunities.

Content keeps your business fresh, hot and attractive.  It  keeps your relationship with your market healthy and happy.  Content has the potential to:

  • feed  your market what they want / need so they don’t need to constantly look elsewhere,
  • demonstrate your expertise,
  • generate demand for your work,
  • elevate your brand,
  • capture the attention of the media,
  • nurture prospects closer to a YES,
  • and more.

But only when done deliberately.  Even a daily blogging / podcasting / live streaming / etc. commitment won’t accomplish all of these things… You MUST be strategic about content in order for it to build your bottom line.

Now, I have been shameless in my efforts to compel Women Who WOW members to become courageous — and consistent —  content marketers.  I have put on my begging pants many times… in live meetings, in virtual trainings, in person.  I do this because content is SOOOO friggin important.  It’s critical.  And it is the fuel for building a really consistent, super profitable business.

Today, my begging pants are on again… begging YOU to create content that is strategic and consistent.  My plea?  Simply for you to let strategic content SURPRISE you in its profitability.

I’m listing some amazing (and free) resources below that will help you 1) figure out why your blogging MAY NOT be working and 2) what to do about it and 3) how to BLOG for BUCKS.

BLOGGING for BUCKS Video Training

You can find a full video training for bloggers that ARE NOT seeing the MONEY behind their blogging efforts here.  No opt in necessary. You’ll also be able to get — for free– the 7 ways to turn your Blog from a Time Suck to a Money Pump.

Quick Hack For Using Your Content to Be Featured in the Media

This is what I do month in, month out… with great success.  Get it all here. 

Finally, don’t make these blogging mistakes.

And, don’t get hung up on “blogging.”  Maybe your content is mainly videos or live streams or social media shares…. whatever… just don’t make these 5 mistakes.

Now, what else can I do to COMPEL or CONVINCE you to get on the content train?

The post Timeless Content Marketing Strategies That Lead To Huge (& Consistent) Pay Days appeared first on b. michelle pippin.

Content Marketing Hacks: Learn from Chris Ducker, Ramon Ray, Kim Phelan, Fabienne Frederickson and others!


Remember SAT prep class?

________________ is to a profitable business what  hot sex is to a happy marriage.
A. New logo.
B. Fancy brochures.
C. Marketing Coach.
D. Content marketing.
It’s D.  Content Marketing. 

When I first started writing about HOT CONTENT, it was a relatively “new” term and strategy.  It’s now a buzzword that is over-used and mis-used, but this doesn’t make it any less critical to your success.

Marketing with content allows you to not only attract more leads, but convert more leads, generate more referrals, and stay connected to your tribe in a meaningful way.  It keeps your market engaged, helps you cross the know, like and trust boundary and keeps your ideal prospects interested enough in what you’re doing to —  you know — know when it’s time to buy from you.

Regardless of the buzz, books, podcasts and now magazines dedicated to the subject, and despite my nagging, prodding and practically BEGGING wow members to put content marketing to the test consistently in their business (It WILL prove itself)…  too few do it well, do it consistently, do it profitably.

So, I went to the best.  I reached out to Ramon Ray of Smart Hustle Magazine… and got in touch with Kim Phelan of GKIC.com and asked them to give us their top tip on content marketing.   Their responses are below — along with quotes from other leaders in the industry.  You can find my Advanced Guide to Content marketing here.

unknown-1Be Original in Your Content Creation
— Chris Ducker

“Getting ideas and inspiration from other content creators is fine. Outright copying their stuff is just plain lame.  You’re doing this to stand out and be remembered. Don’t forget that.  Now work hard on being remembered for the right reasons – not for being a weak content creating copy-cat!”

I’m bringing you a little tough love.unknown-2
Amy Porterfield

“Tough love when it comes to creating original content on a weekly basis.  This means every week you need to put out a podcast, blog post or video—whatever you love to do and do well—every week, no matter what.

I KNOW IT’S NOT EASY. But it’s 100% worth the effort.

Bottom line: Consistent content helps you build trust with your audience and earn their respect. AND – if you have content going out on a regular basis, you won’t have to work as hard when you are ready to promote. Meaning, it’s easier to make money when you are creating weekly, free content.”

unknown-5Don’t Hold Back.
Kim Phelan

“When you think about Content Marketing, go heavy on the content – if the whole idea is to show your awesomeness by giving information, then don’t skimp. I’d rather err on the side of too much useful, beneficial information than lean toward the “dark side” of sounding salesy. There’s one word that summarizes a good rule of thumb for CM: and that’s Authentic. Be yourself – everyone else is taken. (said Oscar Wilde). But beyond assuming your own natural tone of voice – preferably devoid of all hyperbole – authenticity means to be real and to be generous with your content. I hate the saying, “Tell them what to do, but not how to do it.” We shouldn’t be in the business of doing halvsies. If you’re going to provide answers, solutions, techniques, or research findings, just do it for gosh sakes, and don’t hold back.”

Stop Thinking About Yourself unknown-3
Ray Ramon

“Stop thinking of yourself and think ONLY of your audience. Close your eyes and think – what can I write (or share) that will be so beneficial to my audience that not only will they share it but they’ll share it with others. You want a GOOD headline – make it captivating and clear. Also a good image. you do this once a day or some other frequency and you’re well on your way to success in your content marketing.”

xqr9ixvvWhat To Do With Old Blog Posts
Darren Rouse

“While I know some bloggers don’t like to update old posts as they like to treat their archives as a record – errors and dating and all – I think most bloggers should consider updating old posts from time to time for a number of reasons: Broken links, changed opinions, updates and design.”

Don’t Reinvent The Wheel
Fabienne Frederickson

“Many years ago, I held a regular monthly workshop for prospects. Each month I’d spend a full day creating all the content for that month’s training session-new and different each time. I was only charging around $25 per workshop. And after awhile, I found that each month the same prospects would come back for more. (Why not, right?) I was putting so much time and energy into the preparation but was only getting a couple of new clients. I soon decided to instead offer the same content each month. I didn’t have to re-invent the wheel each time and the best part was that I was getting fresh, new faces showing up each month – which resulted in less work and more new, paying clients!”

unknownProvide value, provide value, provide value, ask for the sale.
Gary Vaynerchuk

“I truly believe that content is the best way to market a product today. Provide value to consumers by creating  helpful videos or new recipes or funny cartoons. Give them something they actually want because that content builds up the relationship that then allows you to ask for the sale.

Jab, jab, jab, right hook. Provide value, provide value, provide value, ask for the sale.”

The post Content Marketing Hacks: Learn from Chris Ducker, Ramon Ray, Kim Phelan, Fabienne Frederickson and others! appeared first on b. michelle pippin.

The Question To Ask When Your Plan Isn’t Working


Sometimes, it feels like no matter what you do, how hard you market, how consistently you blog, how eloquently you journal, how bold you plan… the needle on your business simply won’t move. Everywhere you turn, it’s as if you’re met with resistance, set backs, painful realities. Now, I’m not talking about the occasional disappointment.   They happen. They don’t mean anything.  Get over it.

I’m talking about the really painful SEASONS of business… those that feel like you’re spinning your wheels, banging your head against the wall, and you’re ready to RAGE against the machine, but you can’t really find the machine… those seasons that begin with huge excitement but seem to culminate in frustration, overwhelm and disappointment.  If you’ve never felt this way in business, we’ve got plenty more to read ’round here.  Start here.    However, if you have felt this way… and most especially if you’re feeling this way right now, please keep reading.


Of course, I’m writing all of this from painful, first hand experience.  =) As an aside, if you don’t have a tribe of business people willing to be COURAGEOUSLY REAL with you… if you’re still networking with people who require a painted-on smile when you’re down… or you have no one to celebrate with when you win (and win big!), you need US.  Find “us” over at WomenWhoWOW.com.

For the “seasons” described above, when I’m feeling like I’m met with CRAP everywhere I turn, I have learned to ask myself THIS powerful question to identify what MUST change:

 Where might you be borrowing someone else’s armor? 

Forgive my southern Baptist upbringing for a minute, but you know the story of David and Goliath, right?  Small, untrained, teenager David takes down giant life-time warrior Philistine with a slingshot and smooth rock.   Well, before the big show down, King Saul does courageous little David a “favor.”

He outfits David in the best of the best of the King’s armor.   A bronze helmet.  Fancy sword. Tunic.  The works.   David “tries to walk in them,” but can’t.  So David says, “I cannot go in these, because I’m not used to them.”  (1 Sam. 17:39)  And he takes it all off.  

Instead, he goes with what he knows…  with what has worked uniquely for him in the past… with what he has mastered… with what he can walk in… And, of course, wins…and wins big.

Are you getting my point yet?

I want you to SEE yourself in these seasons as struggle and honestly assess whether or not you’re struggling to walk in someone else’s armor.

Have you “borrowed” someone else’s idea? Are you trying to walk out a vision that isn’t uniquely yours? Maybe you’re using a tool that is supposed to work brilliantly for everyone else, but is falling short for you?   Perhaps you’ve simply borrowed a list of what YOUR PRODUCT, SERVICE, OFFER OR PRICING “should” look like, mirroring others in your niche?

WHERE might your business be wearing armor that isn’t a great fit?  Is it in the delivery?  The offer?  The marketing?  The voice?  The pricing? The focus?

Are you carrying around some clunky “shoulds” in business?   Something you think you need to do / offer / promise / say in order to create the success you want?   Something you resent about what you’re doing or growing?  Something that doesn’t feel “just right?”

I can tell you that — without exception — when I’ve battled these seasons of frustration, overwhelm, disappointment, etc… I’ve needed to follow David’s example, shed what didn’t fit — without apology —  and go in MY OWN power.

If you’re willing, keep the conversation going.  Or, meet me over at WomenWhoWOW.com and become a member of the FASTEST growing alliance of seriously driven women entrepreneurs in the world.  We’ve been waiting for you.

The post The Question To Ask When Your Plan Isn’t Working appeared first on b. michelle pippin.

Is it The Secret? The Law of Attraction? Favor?


jessica-clarkWhether you call it The Secret, the Law of Attraction, the favor of God… In small business, this applies to YOU.   Personally, I don’t particularly ascribe to the Law of attraction philosophy, preferring a much more practical “law,” the law of creation.  Still….

This post is for anyone who doesn’t believe that their current reality and level of success (or lack of it) is a direct by-product of their own chosen mindset, way of thinking, and belief system.  To you, I say two things:
  1. I used to think exactly the way you do.  and
  2. You are fooling yourself, as I was.
The truth is, no matter how dire or unsatisfactory your current reality, the circumstances you’re now tolerating — right now — are somehow acceptable to you.
Do you know how I know this? It is the same undeniable truth that changed my own thinking about this:  There are certain thresholds… certain low points that you simply will not slide below — no matter what, right?
This isn’t just about financial or business thresholds, but it could also apply to fitness, weight, church attendance, whatever.  We all have these standards that we simply do not — EVER —  allow ourselves to slip below.
You with me still?  Great.  Because you know those people generating 20K, 30K, 50K or even six figures a month, every month?  Well, we too have those bottom line, low point thresholds.  They’re just HIGHER thresholds than others set for themselves.
In full transparency, my business “low point threshold” used to be “making ends meet.”  That was my goal for my business when I first began.  THAT was what I prayed for and worked towards in those early days.  I wanted to help “make ends meet.”  In short, I wanted to stay at home with my babies and not lose my home.
In my defense, I didn’t know anyone 17 years ago working profitably from home… and so just replacing my salary and making ends meet without leaving my kids in child care for a job seemed a lofty enough goal.  But, this mindset led to the following reality: if my husband made an extra $3K in a particular month in his side gig business, guess what?  I made $3K less than normal that month.
This went on for YEARS. I simply never got ahead, no matter what…  I’d have one amazing month followed by 3 way less than amazing months.  It was maddening and frustrating.
It was only when I realized, in prayer actually, that my goals for my business had never changed.  I never re-calibrated my low point threshold.  My mindset, the words I spoke to myself and over my business had never grown to reflect MY growth or my potential.
Finally… I rose up.  I deliberately and boldly raised my low point threshold, the low point I wouldn’t DARE slip below,
And I beg you… implore you, really… to do the same. RAISE THAT LOW POINT THRESHOLD.  DELIBERATELY & BOLDLY.   WOW member, business coach and total rock star, Lisa Smith (Marketing, Mindset & Manifesting Coach) reminds us all that “Your income will rise or fall to meet the level of your expectation or belief of what you can have.”  So, raise that  baseline of BELIEF.  
While I still don’t exactly fall into the “Law of Attraction” camp, I know that my low point threshold is MY CHOICE. It always has been.
And it is your choice too.
If you’re gonna choose anyway, why not re-calibrate your “baseline” and choose to create abundance, wealth, and happiness?

The post Is it The Secret? The Law of Attraction? Favor? appeared first on b. michelle pippin.

Practical Profits with Kat Loterzo


This was an amazing interview with the legendary Kat Loterzo, tribe leader, mother, woman entrepreneur, internet sensation earning more than six figures per month, online, every month… all while breaking ALL of the rules that tell us how we should be earning money online, which I think is what I love the most.   The interview is 26 minutes long… and full of value bombs.  Can’t listen now… or simply want to read as you follow along?   If you want to get the full TRANSCRIPT (complete with links to resources mentioned)  + A Profit Plan based on this interview, Click this:

And if not, turn up your speakers, grab a cup of coffee and ENJOY!  Introducing, Kat Loterzo:


The post Practical Profits with Kat Loterzo appeared first on b. michelle pippin.

Mastering Your Mind & Your Mouth for Ultimate Success


lucyOne of the tremendous benefits to the quickly growing alliance of business women over at Women Who WOW is the REAL TALK that goes on within our borders.  Unpolished, unedited, uncensored talk that pertains to our business, our profit, and our life.  The hard truth is that business isn’t easy.  It can (and should) be simple, but it isn’t easy.  Even the periods of high profit and growth can be overwhelming and stressful.   I wrote this week about the “law of attraction” and I’ve written several times about “mindset” stuff…. but this article is for when THESE THINGS, THESE POWERFUL TOOLS that everyone talks about  don’t seem to be working…. for you.

You’re journaling about what you want.
You’re speaking blessing over your business.
You have a detailed vision board.  

Yet, things really aren’t changing that much.  It still feels UP and DOWN, HIT or MISS for you.  Despite how long you’ve been in business, you may still be suffering from “feast or famine.”  (Not necessary, by the way.) Still, you KNOW there’s something to this “manifesting” or “visioneering” or positive self talk.  So, what gives?

Quick story: When I was in college, I got locked out of my house. Fortunately for me, I knew how to get in using a credit card as a thin “wedge” that  would essentially allow me to pick the lock…. which is exactly what I did.   Unfortunately, the credit card was damaged in the process and never worked as a credit card again.

 It was the misuse of this card that quickly took away its effectiveness.  I believe the same principle of misuse is at work within our minds and mouths, when it comes to business and success.

We know how our minds and mouths SHOULD work, and we often use them correctly.  We write down what we WANT to create in our business.  We even write them — as we’re told — in the present tense.  We use our minds to envision a desired future, elaborating mentally on what we are truly creating.  All of this is great.

But, if you’re like me… the POWER God gives us with the tools of our minds and mouths can often suffer due to misuse.   It can look like this:

  • You journal every morning about what you’ll create, but shut the journal, pick up the phone and complain to a friend about how afraid you are about money issues.
  • You speak positively of your business in public, but in private you complain bitterly about your clients.  (They suck, they’re needy, they don’t pay, etc.)
  • You decide to be generous, open, giving… but then you see something fun going on in your industry and you immediately get frustrated, “That should have been me! Why didn’t she let ME do that?”  (NOTHING kills success like the ugly green beast of jealousy!!)
  • You say the right things, but allow your mind to spiral into patterns that are cynical, bitter, fearful.
  • You KNOW you’re up to huge things in this life, but are willing to  misuse your mind AND mouth on things like gossip, being rude, and just plain  ‘ol talking about people.

Bottom line:  Your mind and your mouth are like my credit card in college,  but with FAR MORE profit potential, lol….   MIND them.  MASTER them.  Take EACH thought captive… THINK about what you’re thinking about, and talking about.   And look for areas of daily “misuse” that may be reducing the effectiveness of your MIND and MOUTH to create ultimate success. 

Fresh water and salt water can’t come out of the same spring.   So, choose.   Don’t do the mindset work in the morning and be haphazard about how you use your mind and words throughout the rest of the day.  It MATTERS.  And it may just be the secret to YOUR next big leap in business.

The post Mastering Your Mind & Your Mouth for Ultimate Success appeared first on b. michelle pippin.



The 30-second video above is just for you and the information promised about the event is– of course — below. If you can make it, no need to pay to attend. Just RSVP to either Randi@Womenwhowow.com or Mell@womenwhowow.com  and they’ll be sure to prepare a special welcome gift for you!

Stop Settling for An INFERIOR Business!

November 21st,  2016
Springhill Suites Norfolk / Virginia Beach
9 AM – NOON.

On November 21st,  the alliance of Women Who WOW  members will meet for our most exciting event of the year, and we’re BREAKING SMALL.

BREAKING SMALL: How EveryDay Small Businesses Can Create Huge Incomes, Unparalleled Impact, and Unmatched Influence… in record time!

This  is the focus of our meeting and it all begins with the REJECTION of any part of your business that is sub-par, inferior or even “regular.”   It’s the time when we can look backwards at our business for the past year and deliberately STOP TOLERATING anything about our business that doesn’t align with your IDEAL VISION for your business.

This ideal world — while amazing — only exists of our own making.  It is up to US to elevate the message, demand respect and carve out a niche that PREFERS our work and refers others to us.  It’s up to US to be sure our time, energy and other resources are spent in a way that aligns with our ultimate goals and personal priorities.  Are you ready?

I will show you how.   I AM RUTHLESS about how I build my business, to be sure I protect not only my brand, but my family, my time, my home life…. I have always rejected the “normal” way of doing business — that often leaves business owners over-worked and under-paid — and what you’ll find at this LAST WOW event of the year will not be found in ANY other “business as usual ” forum.  

Beginning with a snap shot of MY OWN original vision for my business… back in 2002, we’ll cover:

  • How to recognize the aspects of your business that must CHANGE NOW;
  • Trends that will impact your business — and your marketing — as we plan for 2017;
  • What to do immediately to begin CRAFTING an ideal schedule for yourself and your business;
  • WHAT TO DO when you’re ultimate vision for your business is being strangled by the day to day demands of clients, employees, etc. 
  • How to institute NEW rules of engagement for clients and prospects without losing opportunity or turning them away; and
  • The EXACT Principles — that are UBER practical —  businesses that have “broken small” and done it their own way have used to create an IDEAL, SUPERIOR business… and how you can apply them starting NOW.

As always, our alliance of seriously driven entrepreneurs is ruthlessly committed to success, so we won’t waste your time going over what you learned in some pre-packaged, pre-digested sales training or business conference… We’ll challenge each other, pose questions, play devil’s advocate, and get to the HEART of  business development.

This meeting is a MUST ATTEND for any committed business owner. But, seating is limited and we keep it small.  Register now if you can make it.

Our members include doctors, lawyers, coaches, speakers, spa owners, authors, photographers, media experts, and more.  Speaking of MEDIA experts… in just ONE month, our members were featured in all of the following outlets AND MORE:




Interested?  If so,  register now and be sure to Mark Your Calendar for November 21st to join us.  

At Women Who WOW, we’re dedicated  to creating and modeling what SERIOUS MASTERMINDING and HARD-CORE STRATEGIZING can (and should) look like in our new and constantly changing economy!  Because — HERE — we should have no time and no tolerance for that which doesn’t work.  This means Women Who WOW meeting will NOT be:

  1. A lame business card toss with awkward networking conversations;
  2. A slew of canned and inauthentic “elevator” pitches, because — hey — when’s the last time you bought or sold anything in an elevator?
  3. Hot-air-filled-speakers who are trying to sell to you.  (Ain’t nobody got time for that!)
  4. Anything you’re used to seeing or hearing in the business-event world.

Ready to join us??  Register now! 

Space IS limited… especially per industry.  (We don’t want 15 people who sell the SAME thing!)

JOIN US for:

  1. Hard Core, Laser Focused Business Development Training
  2. Powerful masterminding; 
  3. Media Opportunities; 
  4. Real World Business Growth Strategies; and 
  5. An experience that will leave YOU, your approach to business, and the feeling you get when you check  your bank balance, FOREVER changed!

If you’re still undecided, keep reading:

My first experience with networking was 17 years ago.  Back then, it was $19 to attend a NAWBO meeting and — to be honest — I thought getting to that meeting was going to be THE game changer I needed to rock my business.

Of course, I was on a LESS-THAN-BOOT-STRAPPING budget.  Like, way, WAY less. So, $19 was not in the cards for me.  THEN, I was invited to a breakfast networking gathering… AS A GUEST.  (Read: I got to go for FREE!)   On the way there, I am told, “Hey, if this guy comes up to you, I told him a while ago that you wanted to buy a new computer.  Just don’t worry about it.  I needed to give a referral.  If he calls, just ignore him.”

GULP.   Maybe this “networking” thing wasn’t what I thought. =)

From there, I kept studying this “system.” Years later, I began speaking at many of these networking events all over the country. Everywhere I went, frankly, it was a very similar story.

Smiles that never reached people’s eyes.

Stacks of business cards.

Elevator pitches that reeked of stale inauthenticity.

5 -6 people EACH from 3 “hot” industries.

“Information” delivered by speakers that were hoping to sell.

Were there exceptions?  Yes.  But very few.  Finally, I was approached by an international networking company about re-vamping one specific region.  My solution:  The expiration date on their model had long passed. They needed a total re-haul. They rejected my advice and — to date — are still limping along, without consistent numbers or profit.

All the while, I’ve been dancing with this idea of how to do it differently. I’ve experimented with different models, group sizes,  agendas and more … in areas from Los Angles to Atlanta.  And, I’ve found what WORKS — not only for ME, but for every single participant in the room.

And I want you to be a part of it.

You’ll get more information when you register, but plan on bringing EIGHT business cards… and prepare to be a part of something that is sweeping the nation.. and (even) beyond!

Because networking and masterminding can be the most profitable way to grow your business. When it’s done right, with the RIGHT people, consistently.

Oh — you’ll also get some other goodies — about $400 worth of free goodies from our sponsors!  Ready to Register? 

Quick note:

** IF THERE ARE TOO MANY OTHERS IN YOUR INDUSTRY WHO REGISTER FIRST, your registration fee will be returned to you with our apologies.  It’s important to have a GREAT MIX of the RIGHT PEOPLE in a meeting like this.  Diversity is key.  Not everyone will be accepted. If you have any questions about this, please contact our team directly  at randi@womenwhowow.com.

The post Invite appeared first on b. michelle pippin.

The Women Who WOW Philosophy of Success


outfittersI have met with many Women Who WOW members in the past month.  We’ve had impromptu phone calls, scheduled laser-sessions, and small coffee gatherings in various cities during my recent travels.  In these candid conversations, our political, racial, marital, industry and religious diversity comes across — a point of pride for me, I admit — but a fairly simple yet PROFOUND personal and corporate philosophy also emerges… uniting us all.

There IS a Women Who WOW Philosophy that while it may not have been articulated until now, has been the undercurrent of our success… not just in my business, but in all of our businesses.  The following 4 cornerstones of our success are on display, in member businesses all across the nation, and — in fact — the world:

Honest Ambition.

Women Who WOW are unapologetically ambitious.  We want MORE.  We want to do more, be more, earn more, give more and serve more.  Our ambitions are honest.  We have no desire for that which we have not earned and always seek to do well… by doing good.

Impressive Work Ethic.

We work hard and smart, and find it honorable to do so.  While we do often discuss our desire for a “night off” — you know, not only from work and employees and clients, but also from house stuff, kid stuff, etc. — we know that it is up to us to make our success happen.  The work ethic among our members is unparalleled outside membership.  We embrace the 8 words my own coach said to me so many years ago:  “No one is coming.  It’s up to you.”  Luck, for us, can only be found or sought in the everyday hustle.  We don’t seek the easy button and know that anything worth doing  is worth doing well… worth doing with all of our heart.   We hustle.  Daily.

Unshakeable Integrity.

We care.  We care about our clients, and our fellow WOW sisters.  We say what we mean and follow through on promises.  YES, we mess up, but are quick to apologize and make things right, whenever we can.  Personal integrity is the foundation of our work, permeating all of our work relationships.  But we also keep integrity with our priorities. This means we’re constantly guarding against our business infringing on our personal time… and vice versa.

Finicky Association.

We embrace the idea that we are the average of the five people we hang around most and — as such — are deliberately picky about whom we associate with, particularly in business.  Statistics tell us that 80% of the people we run into at most business meetings or events will soon close their doors.  And we love WOW for corralling that “other 20%” into one virtual and — at times — “in real life” room.

We are the change makers, the job creators.  In many cases, we’re the “bread winners” in our homes.  So, what’s SO different about Women Who WOWIt is THIS solid philosophy of ambition, work ethic, integrity and association that gives us the edge we continue to sharpen in our business, our industry, and world.   

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Practical Profits with Sandra Yancey


Women Who WOW, an international alliance of seriously driven women entrepreneurs,  is thrilled to bring you this extremely candid and fun  interview with the founder of ewomennetwork.com, Sandra Yancey. Yancey is at the helm of an organization internationally known as synonymous with the best in women’s business networking.  In 23 short minutes we talk about the very humble beginnings of ewomennetwork, what Sandra wish she’d known then, and how ewomennetwork evolved to the incredible organization it is today!    Can’t listen now… or simply want to read as you follow along?   If you want to get the full TRANSCRIPT (complete with links to resources mentioned)  + A Profit Plan based on this interview,


And if not, turn up your speakers, grab a cup of coffee and ENJOY!  Introducing, Sandra Yancey:


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Practical Profits with Money Coach, Denise Hughes


What can be said about Denise Hughes?  First of all, if you haven’t read her book, Earn, Save, Spend, Give, you owe it to yourself to grab your copy today.   Living in California, Denise has carved out not only a business —  but a life–  she loves.  She loves to hike, take pictures, spend time with her husband and her dogs.

And she changed my relationship with money.  I was good at MAKING MONEY, but it never seemed to be enough.. I just couldn’t figure it out.  Until I read her book and had a few critical conversations with her.

I’m so honored that she’s a Women Who WOW member. So, incredibly honored.  I look forward to what’s next for Denise… and can’t wait for you to “meet” her in this candid interview.    The video is (obviously) below… but, here’s a link for the transcript if you’d like it!

Visit Denise Today at DeniseHughes.org.

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Practical Profits with Immigration Attorney, Radlyn Mendoza


Radlyn Mendoza is a wife, mother, WOW member, immigration attorney and all around rock star! Her passion for –and commitment to–  her clients is palpable, and her expertise undeniable.  Her growth this last year has been incredible to watch, and she has much to share with all of us in business.  The video interview is below, along with a link to grab the full transcript.  Whichever you decide, grab a cup of coffee… and enjoy!


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Practical Profits with Tracie Stern of Black Diamond Wellness


Meet Tracie Stern of blackdiamondwellness.com: Women Who WOW member, working fashion model, life stylist, nutrition & fitness consultant, mom and military wife.   She is rocking her industry in a way that will make you RE-THINK the industry as a whole.  She’s a branding genius, as evident in her own business… and you’ll love getting to know her.  The video interview is below, along with a link to grab the full transcript. Whichever you decide, grab a cup of coffee… and enjoy!


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Practical Profits with Ramona Rice of SpaPreneur.com


Ramona Rice is not only one of my all-time favorite WOW members, but one of my all-time favorite people, and my ONLY favorite UVA graduate.  She’s wild, courageous, bold, successful, loud, driven, always surprising, and crazy like a fox when it comes to social media marketing, merchandising, spa marketing, actually turning social media into money, items purchased, and appointments scheduled.     She’s brilliant.  You can find her over at SpaPreneur.com, as the Community Director of PodcastWebsites.com, and at the helm of SportsGalPal.com.  And you can find her here…. sharing her wisdom as part of our very own Practical Profits Interview Series.

Click the image to the right if you want the transcript of the call.  Otherwise, pour yourself a cup of coffee and get ready for Mona’s value bombs.




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Practical Profits with Photographer, Timorah Beales



Meet photographer, Timorah Beales.  When other photographers are bemoaning the “cheapening” of their industry — now overpopulated with hobbyists who have a great camera and some extra time — Timorah isn’t only staying busy, but she’s charging professional rates and even bringing on other talented photographers who now work for her.   If YOU are in a challenging industry, competing with very cheap competitors, this is a must listen / watch / read.


Click the image to the right if you want the transcript of the call.  Otherwise, pour yourself a cup of coffee and get ready to learn from Timorah.


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The Top Two Unchanging Rules of Business Success


the-top-2If you were in business back in the 1990’s, in order to succeed  you had to manage a few simple things:  A yellow pages ad, maybe a ValPak coupon, your local chamber membership, and –if you were extra ambitious — you did either direct mail, tv commercials or print ads.   Today, we have an obscene number of social media platforms, can write and print a book in 30 days or less, must manage our own media via blogging, podcasting, or live streaming.  Each of these additions come with them a never-ending list of rules for how to optimize and monetize.

But only two matter.

Rule # 1: Show Up.

Simple, yes… but it’s not as simple as Woody Allen said.   You need to show up in a category of ONE. Show up early. Show up empowered. Show up often.  Show up authentically.   Show up and SELL.  By the way, the only way to show up in a category of one is to NEVER DILUTE the full YOU in business.   Don’t hold back.    Yes, you’ll offend some, but the RIGHT ONES will see your unapologetic authenticity and see it as a welcome mat… a red-carpet welcome.

Rule #2:  Forget all of the other Rules in Business.  Not ALMOST all of them, not even just a lot of them, but  ALL of them. 

In full disclosure, this post was inspired by another great post by Kat Loterzo, which you can find here.   To her point, following the rules of business IS absolutely ludicrous, but for one reason she didn’t mention:

Because most businesses fail…
most end badly, in debt, in bankruptcy,
even in botched relationships,
health challenges,and worse.

Listen, they say that 4 out of 5 businesses fail.   80%.  And this 80%? Well, they are following a bunch of the same rules you may be following right now.  A bunch of “shoulds.”  A boatload of “musts” and “have to’s” and “in order to’s.”  They follow the rules thinking that –despite their current reality —  ONE day, it will pay off.

Do you see the craziness here? The insanity of it all? 

They’re religiously doing what they see everyone else doing, but expecting a different result.  Sipping the very dangerous lemonade.

Truthfully, when so many (80%) are failing, the ONLY logical conclusion is to watch what MOST businesses are doing and doing the opposite.  So forget ALL the rules and make your own way… Your IDEAL business is waiting for you!

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Practical Profits with Business Coach, Lisa Smith


Admittedly, the term “business coach” sells Lisa Smith (way) short.  Lisa is a true, real life business success who FIRST built her own successful business and ONLY THEN went into teaching others how to do the same.  She brings her clients not only the marketing know how they KNOW they need, but the mindset “stuff” they may NOT know they need.   She’s trained as a hypnotherapist, an EFT practitioner, and — of course — coach.  Now at the helm of THE COACHING CENTER FOR MINDTRAINING & SUCCESS, located in Virginia Beach, VA, she’s brought her speaking, coaching and training services under one umbrella and brand with ONE vision: to help people experience quicker, easier, lasting improvements thru’ the power of the mind. 

Start here and download Lisa’s assessment that will help you identify any limiting beliefs that may be holding YOUR business back.  Regardless of your industry, Lisa is a “must meet,” and  this interview  is a must listen / watch / read.

Click the image to the right if you want the transcript of the call.

Otherwise, pour yourself a cup of coffee and get ready to learn from Lisa.


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Practical Profits with Shane & Jocelyn Sams of the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast


If you’ve not yet heard of Shane & Jocelyn Sams of Flipped Lifestyle, you’ll love me forever for making this introduction.  They are successful, funny, SO REAL, and so friggin down to earth, it’s hard not to love them.  Even harder not to learn from them, regardless of what they’re talking about.  Their podcast, which teaches business owners how to put their family FIRST while killing it in business, is the first I ever listened to… and I became a forever fan.

They are the first to really simplify online business for me, and — just when I thought I couldn’t love them anymore — they “came out” and made their “WHY WE DON’T DO AFFILIATE LAUNCHES” stand public.  In short, they are about their listeners, not the “internet experts of the day,” and I love them even more for not SPAMMING me, their listener, with  junk from one “expert” in the middle of a launch to the next.

Bottom line:  YOU MUST get to know them, and you might as well start here.  Listen / watch below.  (They DO actually make a visual appearance in our video interview. lol…)  And then  follow them over to their site. 

 In 20 minutes, they cover:

  • THE bright idea that launched their online business…
  • Their top fear when they both — at the same time – – quit their jobs;
  •  Their brand new dream house.. . funded on their terms, working together, from home, doing what they love.
  • Their crazy humble beginnings
  • What they don’t love about big events and what they do instead.

Click the image to the right if you want the transcript of the call.  Otherwise, pour yourself a cup of coffee and get ready to learn from Shane & Jocelyn.

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[VIDEO] 10 Simple Steps To Build Your Business FAST


Here are 10 immediate steps you can take to create a business defined by  MAXIMUM profit and ULTIMATE freedom.  Both.  Profit & Freedom… at the same time.  Inside our little community, you can find 8-12 minute videos on EACH of these 10 steps.   For now, here’s a recap:

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Still Haunted By Past Experiences with Failure… or Success?


reasons-to-love-the-seasonThis is my first official blog post of 2017 and — trust me — this is not the topic that was scheduled this week.   But it IS the topic BEGGING to be written, tonight, after work hours, while my husband is in bed early, two of my kids are preparing for bed and I’m waiting for my oldest to come home.

Bottom-line: I’m doing something this year that scares me.  With each passing day, the commitment I made to my first annual Women Who WOW LIVE! event in Houston, TX looms closer… and I’m having to work deliberately to jump tracks in my brain, to stay the course, to go BIG and to look FORWARD to what is going to be an amazing, unprecedented and — pardon the pun, WOW-worthy–  event.  (A quick summary of this event is below, because I don’t want you to miss out.)

But, back to my fear… that track that keeps playing in my mind… a track that WARNS me, NOT OF FAILURE, but  of what success looks like for 100+ people events.   

I’ve done this before.

Many times.

And it was the most frazzled I’d ever been, the most unhappy, the most unhealthy.  (And, to be honest, the least profitable.)  

So, as I plan for this event in Houston, the “loop” in my brain plays a picture that is haunting.  I don’t worry about not pulling off a successful, amazing, profitable event.  I DO — however — have this assumption, this “normal” belief that “reminds me” — hauntingly — that this event success… will come at a cost.

You’ve felt that way, right?

We tend to expect what we have already experienced.  We tend to assume that history will repeat itself.   The problem is, these assumptions based on what we think is “normal”  — based on past failures AND successes — tend to stick around, for better or for worse.

For example, I have a certain weight that I just assume I’ll never go above.  It just wouldn’t be NORMAL or customary for me to go above that.   And I don’t.  I’ve nudged dangerously close to it, lol.. but something KICKS in and I go back to a (still too high, but shifting downward) set point.

The same thing happens for us with income. We have a low floor that we just — for whatever reason — don’t ever fall below.

In these cases, our “normal” beliefs tend to serve us well.  But, what about in reverse?  What about that glass ceiling?   Actually, scratch that… what about that seemingly CONCRETE ceiling of income that we —for whatever reason — feel we’ll NEVER be able to bust through.

I want to talk tonight about that “for whatever reason” thing.

Here’s the reason:  we DEFINE and DEFEND what’s normal for us, based — lazily — only on what we have experienced.   BUT, we’re not lazy.   So, we can deliberately, actively up-level / change / shift / BLOW UP what we believe to be “normal” for us AT ANY TIME.

(Quick note: A favorite journaling exercise of mine is this:  “It is NORMAL for me to….”  I use this to re-write my own story of normal…. often.)

I’ve used this “redefining normal” exercise to help me lose weight. I’ve used it more often to dramatically increase my income.  I’ve used it to deepen my spiritual walk, to strengthen habits that support my life, to better my relationships with my family members.

It works.

And tonight, I used it again.

Literally, using writing as a tool to WRITE OUT my NEW NORMAL.

I’m re-writing — for the first time in about 4 years — what I believe or assume is  “normal” for pulling off an event like Women Who WOW LIVE!  With each swerve of my pen, I’m literally writing a new story, shifting my expectation, and increasing my energy.  I’m making it a “new normal” for event planning ( & promoting)  to be fun, exciting and NOT frazzled, stressful and hectic.

I’m writing a new story with my first ever, multi-day, signature event, exclusively for Women Who WOW members.  Read a BIT about this 2-day event below, but FIRST... what “normal” do you need to re-write, re-define in your business for 2017?  Is it a new income goal?  A commitment to fitness or nutrition?  A new way of loving that Mister of yours?  

Whatever it is, you have no moral or ethical obligation to let the past repeat itself. You have NO moral or ethical obligation to make small shifts or incremental increases.  You have NO moral or ethical obligation to struggle, to take one step forward and two steps back…. no matter HOW LONG you’ve done this.

Listen, it’s normal for some of us to make six figures a year.  It’s normal for some of us to make six figures a month.  It’s normal for some people to get up and run every morning.  It’s normal for some of us to travel 12 times a year.  It’s normal for some of us to make more money than we ever dreamt possible, to reach more people than we ever dared to dream of reaching.  If it’s normal for “them,” it can become normal for you.

We can either deliberately choose our “normal” or we can sit back and let it happen to us.   The choice is ours.  For me, well…. I’ll see you in TEXAS, baby!  xoxo


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Top Tips How EveryDay Small Business Owners Can Create Extraordinary Increases in Income, Impact and Influence


5-tips-to-creating-anOne of my goals for 2017 is to expand my reach, specifically through speaking, podcasting (radio) and other media… so an invite to be interviewed on The Brand Journalism Advantage podcast with host, Phoebe Chongchua was a great start to the New Year.   In this podcast interview, I share:

  • a secret I didn’t meant to expose;
  • why I disagree with Steve Jobs about persistence;
  • a real world (when it didn’t work) example from 2016;
  • the one piece of technology I can’t live without, and
  •  FIVE STEPS to Creating an Extraordinary Income as a Small Business Owner, which I’ve also highlighted below.

But, don’t settle for the overview….  go and listen to the full interview.  It was so fun… and one of my first interviews of this kind.   In the meantime, the 5 tips I give are listed below for quick reference…. and — if YOU are a seriously driven woman entrepreneur and NOT part of Women Who WOW, come hang out with us.  We are definitely your tribe!

5 Tips to Creating an Extraordinary Income as a Small Business Owner:

A Vision that Excites.

It’s important that your vision for your business is big enough to motivate you, excite you, get you out of bed in the morning raring to go.

Rules of Engagement

You need to create the rules of engagement that will govern how you interact with your market, and what access they’ll have to you.  Without rules, your business will start to feel like an abusive partner… demanding, manipulative and controlling.

Give the First Fruits of Each Day to Your Vision.

Give the first of each day to your own vision, your own ideal business.  Pursue your income (and other) goals first.   Otherwise, all of the other work will get done, you’ll stay busy, but you may never move the needle on your own income.

A Commitment to Measurement.

When you want to lose weight, you should either have a scale or –at least — a pair of skinny jeans you’re trying to get back into.  YOU need some way to measure your progress…. and the same is true in business.  What gets measured will improve.   So always keep an eye on the numbers that matter: your income, your expenses and your time.

Outrageous Authenticity.

If you want to dominate your market, you will need to deliberately build a demand for YOUR OWN VOICE, your specific, unapologetically unique spin on your industry.  The CURE for being commoditized in any way is outrageous authenticity.

Want more?   Join WomenWhoWOW.com and come hang out with other unreasonably successful and unapologetically driven women entrepreneurs in our closed community. 

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